It is a herb food suitable for children who have weak digestive organs and respiratory organs. It activates energy and increases immunocompetence. It has the efficacy of driving oedema away, and it reduces the blood sugar and blood fat which helps the obese people and people suffering of glycosuria and cancer patients.
Materials (for 4 people)
Food Ingredients
1 sweet pumpkin, 2 pyogo mushrooms, 10g of shrimp meat, 1 big spoon of glutinous rice flour, 5g of ginger, 10g of garlic, 1 big spoon of cooking alcohol, 1 small spoon of self.
Medicinal Ingredients
5 gingko nuts, 5 walnuts, 5 longan meat, 10g of unit mushrooms, 10g of trammels fuciformis mushrooms.
Dressing Sauce
3 big spoons of nicely aged soy sause, 1 small spoon of sesame, 1 small spoon of sesame oil, 1 small spoon of oligosaccharide.
How to cook
Cooking Tip
According to modern research the large amount of colloids in sweet pumpkins are absorbed into the intestines to prevent the absorption of fat and to combine with cholesterol to reduce its content.
The antibiotic properties of sweet pumpkins dissolve metals like iron, mercury, etc to prevent cancer and to enhance the capability of regeneration of interstitial sells.